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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ২৯ জুন ২০২০

Minutes of Pre-bid meeting regarding international e-tender no. 50/2019-2020 for supply, installation, testing & commissioning of a Programmable Cheque Book Finishing Machine.

প্রকাশন তারিখ : 2020-06-29

The Security Printing Corporation (Bangladesh) Ltd. (SPCBL),





Minutes of Pre-bid meeting regarding international e-tender no. 50/2019-2020 for supply,

installation, testing & commissioning of a Programmable Cheque Book Finishing Machine.






A pre-bid meeting on the captioned e-tender was held at 11.00 a.m. on the 24th June, 2020 at the Board Room of SPCBL. The Managing Director of SPCBL presided over the meeting. The other representatives of SPCBL who attended the meeting were as follows :



1. Mr. Ehteshamul Karim, General Manager (Finance and Accounts & Company Secretary).

2. Mr. Sheikh Mohammad Shoaib Nazir, General Manager (Foreign Purchase).

3. Mr. Md. Jamil Akhtar Shahjada, Additional Chief Engineer.

4. Mr. Md. Mojibur Rahman Akand, Deputy General Manager (Foreign Purchase).

5. Mr. Md. Azmal Hossain, Manager (OSP).





The aforesaid representatives of the SPCBL waited for almost half an hour in the board room, but no representative of tender schedule purchaser/intended tenderer attended the meeting. In this situation, the president concluded the meeting with thanks to all.                                                                                       






                                                                                                                                        (SK. Azizul Haque),

                                                                                                                            Managing Director.