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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১১ মে ২০২০

Amendment regarding submission and opening date of e-Tender no. 21/2019-2020 for supply of 54,000 kgs. Sodium Hydroxide Flake(Caustic Soda), Re e-Tender no. 22/ 2019-2020 for supply of 1,166 packets Green board & Re e-Tender no. 23/2019-2020 for supply of 300 reams Green Proof sheet.

প্রকাশন তারিখ : 2020-05-11







Amendment regarding submission and opening date of e-Tender no. 21/2019-2020 for supply of 54,000 kgs. Sodium Hydroxide Flake(Caustic Soda), Re e-Tender no. 22/ 2019-2020 for supply of 1,166 packets Green board & Re e-Tender no. 23/2019-2020 for supply of 300 reams Green Proof sheet.


This is for information of all that due to COVID-19, CORONA Virus the captioned e-Tender/Re e-Tender is hereby amended as follows:


1. Last date and time for submission of the 03(three) e-Tender/Re e-Tender will be 03.06.2020 up to 11.00 A.M. instead of existing.


2. Last date and time for opening of the 03(three) e-Tender/Re e-Tender will be 03.06.2020 at 11.15 A.M. instead of existing.


All other terms and conditions of the said e-Tender/Re e-Tender schedule shall remain unchanged.



(Rashid Ahmed)

General Manager(Local Purchase & Sales)

Phone: 88-02-9205103.