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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ২৫ মার্চ ২০২০

Minutes of Pre-bid meeting regarding international e-tender no. 47/2019-2020 for supply, installation, testing & commissioning of a Sheet Fed Rotary Numbering Machine.

প্রকাশন তারিখ : 2020-03-25

The Security Printing Corporation (Bangladesh) Ltd. (SPCBL),




Minutes of Pre-bid meeting regarding international e-tender no. 47/2019-2020 for supply,

installation, testing & commissioning of a Sheet Fed Rotary Numbering Machine.





A pre-bid meeting on the captioned e-tender was held at 11.00 a.m. on the 23rd March, 2020 at the Board Room of SPCBL. The Managing Director of SPCBL presided over the meeting. The other representatives of SPCBL who attended the meeting were as follows :


1. Mr. Ehteshamul Karim, General Manager (Finance and Accounts & Company Secretary).

2. Mr. Sheikh Mohamamd Shoaib Nazir, General Manager (Foreign Purchase).

3. Mr. Md. Jamil Akhtar Shahjada, Additional Chief Engineer.

4. Mr. Md. Mojibur Rahman Akand, Deputy General Manager (Foreign Purchase).

5. Mr. Md. Mahbubul Haque, Deputy General Manager (Banknote).

6. Mr. Md. Azmal Hossain, Manager (OSP) & Head of the committee for preparation of Tech.


7. Mr. A. K. M. Iqbal Hossain, Deputy Manager (Foreign Purchase).


8. Mr. Md. Jafor Akhter, Executive Engineer & member of the committee for preparation of Tech.




On the other hand the following representatives of the intending tenderers were present at the meeting :





1. Mr. Md. Rezaul Karim, Organizer, M/s Graphic Associates Ltd., Dhaka.

2. Mr. Md. Edi Amin (Rony), Representative, M/s Graphic Associates Ltd., Dhaka.



The President welcomed the representatives of the intending tenderers and asked them to raise any issue they feel to be clarified on the technical specifications and the terms and conditions set forth in the concerned e-tender schedule. The representatives of M/s Graphic Associates Ltd., Dhaka drew attention of the SPCBL side to points D. (A) 12-n, o, t, D. (A) 13-c, i, m, n, r, s,  D. (A) 14-b and D. (A) 15-g following their letter of 23.03.2020. The said points were explained elaborately and clarified by the concerned officers of SPCBL and they express their contenment regarding clarification.


Apart from the above, the letters dated 19.03.2020 of M/s Smart Equipments Limited, China and their local agent M/s Mim Enterprise, Dhaka regarding speed of the machine (section D.A-6 of the tender schedule) were placed in the meeting and open discussion was held on the same, as their proposed speed is 5000 – 5500 sheets/hr instead of 8000 sheets/hr. to more as mentioned in the tender schedule. The related officers of the SPCBL opined that the speed has been mentioned in the tender schedule as per requirements of the concerned experts of the SPCBL. The participants of M/s Graphic Associates Ltd., Dhaka and also proprietor of this organization was asked by the chair that whether they have anything to say regarding the speed, mentioned in the tender schedule of the said machine. Then they ensured the chair and SPCBL officers that the speed mentioned in the tender schedule need not require to decrease, rather, if decreased there may be every chance of having low quality machine. Besides none from elsewhere except M/s Smart Equipments Limited requested to decrease speed of the machine. In this situation, the proposal of M/s Smart Equipments Limited regarding decreased speed of the machine was not accepted.


This minutes will be treated as an integral part of the related e-tender schedule. All other terms and conditions of the related tender schedule shall remain unchanged. Having no other issues for discussion, the chair concluded the meeting with thanks to all.





                                                                                                                                  (SK. Azizul Haque)

                                                                                                                       Managing Director.